Metadata (abstracts and keywords) for the articles in the journal
L.V.Levina, I.I.Marakhova, V.B.Penkov Implementation of iterative processes by the energy method // Vestnik I. Yakovlev Chuvach State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of a limit state . 2022. № 4(54). p. 82-94
L.V.Levina, I.I.Marakhova, V.B.Penkov
Index of UDK:
Implementation of iterative processes by the energy method
Schwartz algorithm, perturbation method, small parameter, Linstedt-Poincare method, energy methods, boundary state method, MBS, MBSP.
Iterative processes for solving boundary value problems of mathematical physics and, first of all, mechanics are considered. The reasons for the generation of processes: multi-plane bodies (Schwartz algorithm), compositional media, the construction of analytical solutions, physical and geometric nonlinearity of the defining relations (Linstedt-Poincare approach). The features of the energy method of boundary states in these approaches are evaluated. As an example, the application of the Schwartz algorithm to the solution of the main mixed problem of thermostatics is considered.
The contact details of authors:
Levina Lyubov Vladimirovna, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Lipetsk State Technical University, Lipetsk, Russia,
Marakhova Irina Igorevna, Student, Lipetsk State Technical University, Lipetsk, Russia,
Penkov Viktor Borisovich, Dr. Sci. Phys. and Math, Professor, Lipetsk State Technical University, Lipetsk, Russia.