Vestnik I. Yakovlev Chuvach State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of a limit state

Bulletin of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of Limit State

ISSN: 2073-5499    

Index catalog Press of Russia: 13109    

    Phone: (8352) 62-16-19, + 7 927 847 6016


Language:  Russian     English

Metadata (abstracts and keywords) for the articles in the journal

Senashov S. I., Filyushina E. V. ELASTIC-PLASTIC TORSION BAR ORTHOTROPIC // Vestnik I. Yakovlev Chuvach State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of a limit state . 2016. № 1(27). p. 37-45
Author(s):Senashov S. I., Filyushina E. V.
Index of UDK:539.374

elastic - plastic torsion, orthotropic rod elastic - plastic boundary conservation laws.


We study the elastic - plastic torsion uniform rectilinear rod orthotropic  anisotropy. It is assumed that a side surface the rod is free from stresses and stored in a plastic state.  Built infinite system of conservation laws, which depends linearly on the components of the stress  tensor. The conservation laws allow to reduce the problem of determining the state of stress in the  interior points of the rod to the calculation of integrals over the boundary of the contour  section. This made it possible to determine elasti  - plastic boundary within the cross section,  which is limited arbitrary piecewise smooth contour.


The contact details of authors:

Senashov Sergei Ivanovich e-mail:, Dr. Sci. Phys. & Math., Professor, Siberian State Aerospace University named  after academician M. F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Filyushina Elena Vladimirovna e-mail:, Ph. D. Sci. Phys. & Math., Sibe ian State Aerospace University named after academician M. F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Russia.


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