Vestnik I. Yakovlev Chuvach State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of a limit state

Bulletin of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of Limit State

ISSN: 2073-5499    

Index catalog Press of Russia: 13109    

    Phone: (8352) 62-16-19, + 7 927 847 6016


Language:  Russian     English

Metadata (abstracts and keywords) for the articles in the journal

E. V. Murashkin, Yu. N. Radayev Covariantly constant tensors in Euclid spaces. Applications to continuum mechanics // Vestnik I. Yakovlev Chuvach State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of a limit state . 2022. № 2(52). p. 118-127
Author(s):E. V. Murashkin, Yu. N. Radayev
Index of UDK:539.374
Title:Covariantly constant tensors in Euclid spaces. Applications to continuum mechanics

pseudotensor, fundamental orienting pseudoscalar, permutation symbol, covariant derivative, gradient, unconventionally isotropic tensor, fully isotropic tensor, demitropic tensor, hemitropic tensor, semi-isotropic tensor, conventionally isotropic tensor, tensor with constant components, constitutive pseudotensor, chiral media, micropolar hemitropic continuum


The present paper is devoted to applications of covariantly constant tensors and pseudotensors (including two-point ones) of arbitrary valency and integer weight in Euclidean spaces to continuum mechanics. The tensors of distortion and inverse distortion are not covariantly constant two-point tensors, in contrast to their covariant constancy mentions found in the literature on nonlinear continuum mechanics. The general form of the elastic potential for a linear anisotropic micropolar continuum is given. Based on the non-conventional definition of a semi-isotropic tensor, coordinate representations of constitutive tensors and pseudotensors of the fourth rank are given in terms of Kronecker deltas and metric tensors. The covariant constancy of the constitutive tensors and pseudotensors of the fourth rank for the linear anisotropic micropolar continuum is shown.

The contact details of authors:

Evgenii V. Murashkin, Cand. Sc., PhD, MD, Senior Researcher, Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences,

101, korp. 1, pr. Vernadskogo, Moscow, 119526, Russian Federation.

Yuri N. Radayev, D. Sc., PhD, MSc, Professor of Continuum Mechanics, Leading Researcher, Ishlinsky Institute for Problems in Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 101, korp. 1, pr. Vernadskogo, Moscow, 119526, Russian Federation.

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