Metadata (abstracts and keywords) for the articles in the journal
Yu.D. Shcheglova Perturbation method for determining the displacement field of a three-layer anisotropic cylindrical rod of non-circular cross-section under elastoplastic torsion // Vestnik I. Yakovlev Chuvach State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of a limit state . 2023. № 4(58). p. 5-13
Yu.D. Shcheglova
Index of UDK:
Perturbation method for determining the displacement field of a three-layer anisotropic cylindrical rod of non-circular cross-section under elastoplastic torsion
elastoplastic torsion, anisotropy according to Hill, translational anisotropy, stress state, elastoplastic boundary, small parameter method.
The paper considers elastoplastic torsion of an anisotropic three-layer cylindrical rod of non-circular cross-section. The inner layer of the rod is in an elastic-plastic state, the two outer layers are completely plastic. With a known stress state, known displacement in the elastic region of the inner layer and a known elastoplastic boundary, the displacement field in the plastic zones is determined. Plastic anisotropy is assumed, special cases of which are Hill anisotropy and translational anisotropy. The anisotropy parameters of each layer are different. The small parameter method is used. The displacement field is determined to a first approximation.
The contact details of authors:
Shcheglova Yuliya Dmitrievna, Candidate Sci. Phys. and Math., Ass. Professor of the Department of Mechanics and Computer Modeling, Voronezh State University, Voronezh, Russia