Metadata (abstracts and keywords) for the articles in the journal
Nemirovskii Yu.V., Tikhonov S.V. Determination of the ultimate loads of an n-layer physically nonlinear concrete rod // Vestnik I. Yakovlev Chuvach State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of a limit state . 2024. № 1(59). p. 135-143
Nemirovskii Yu.V., Tikhonov S.V.
Index of UDK:
Determination of the ultimate loads of an n-layer physically nonlinear concrete rod
This paper considers the problem of bending a multilayer concrete rod under transverse loads in the presence of zones of elastic and nonlinear-inelastic deformation. It is assumed that the material can consist of an arbitrary number of layers that differ in physical properties. The loads are such that the upper part of the rod is in the compression region, and the lower part is in the tension region. As a result of the action of loads, some of the layers will be in the region of elastic deformation, some in the region of nonlinear quasi-elastic deformation, and the rest will contain the interface between the elastic and nonlinear quasi-elastic regions. The problem of determining the minimum and maximum loads for each of the possible configurations of areas in the rod is solved. The solution algorithm in the Maple mathematical package is presented and the results obtained are compared with analytical calculations obtained earlier.
The contact details of authors:
Yuri V. Nemirovskii, Dr. Sci. Phys.&Math., Professor, Leading Research Worker; e-mail:;; AuthorID: 2403
Sergey V. Tikhonov , PhD, Assoc. Prof.; e-mail:;; AuthorID: 183385