Vestnik I. Yakovlev Chuvach State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of a limit state

Bulletin of the Yakovlev Chuvash State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of Limit State

ISSN: 2073-5499    

Index catalog Press of Russia: 13109    

    Phone: (8352) 62-16-19, + 7 927 847 6016


Language:  Russian     English

Metadata (abstracts and keywords) for the articles in the journal

V.E. Bogacheva , L.V. Glagolev Fracture in mode i of the adhesion layer taking into account the diagonal components of the stress tensor // Vestnik I. Yakovlev Chuvach State Pedagogical University. Series: Mechanics of a limit state . 2022. № 4(54). p. 47-56
Author(s):V.E. Bogacheva , L.V. Glagolev
Index of UDK:539.375
Title:Fracture in mode i of the adhesion layer taking into account the diagonal components of the stress tensor

adhesive layer, composite, energy product, interaction layer, linear parameter, normal separation, elastic deformation.


The elastic deformation of a composite plate consisting of two cantilevers connected by an adhesive layer in a state of plane deformation is considered. The stress state of the layer is considered on the basis of the characteristics averaged over the thickness. From the general variational statement, taking into account the theory of Mindlin—Reisner, a statement in a differential form is obtained. It is shown that in the stressed state of the layer there is a practical coincidence of two average principal stresses acting in directions orthogonal to separation. It has been established that the value to which the product of the specific free energy and the layer thickness converges at a fixed external load and the adhesion layer thickness tends to zero does not depend on the mechanical properties of the adhesive.

The contact details of authors:

Bogacheva Viktoriya Eduardovna, Postgraduate, Department of Computational Mechanics and Mathematics, Tula State University, Tula, Russia.

Glagolev Leonid Vadimovich , Cand. Sci. Phys. & Math., Department head, JSC «KBP», Tula, Russia.

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